Most development projects are faced with environmental constraints that require permitting. Whether this is a nearby wetland or you need to treat wastewater onsite, our team of civil engineers can help our Clients navigate through this often complicated process. Our staff is experienced with all aspects of wetlands permitting, waterways permitting, MEPA, onsite wastewater disposal system permitting, stormwater management permitting, EPA NPDES Construction General Permit and many more local, state and federal statutes applying to development. Using our network of contacts, MCG will work cooperatively with public officials and board members to complete environmental permitting in a timely manner and with minimal impacts to the project budget.
- Wetlands Permitting
- Notice of Intent
- Request for Determination of Applicability
- Abbreviated Notice of Resource Area Delineation
- Waterways Permitting – Ch. 91
- EPA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System eNOI
- Onsite Wastewater Disposal Works Application
- Environmental Monitoring
- Construction Monitoring – Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
- Stormwater Permit
- Stormwater Management System Inspections
- Water System Hydrant Flow Testing
- Sewer System Video Inspections